1. |
Care of babies aged 0-12 months 曾照顧 0-12 個月嬰兒 |
2. |
Care of Children 1-5 years 曾照顧 1-5 歲小孩 |
3. |
Care of Children 6-10 years 曾照顧 6-10 歲小孩 |
4. |
Are you willing to take care of elderly person 照顧老弱 |
5. |
Are you willing to take care of disabled person 照顧傷殘人士 |
6. |
Handle house-work by yourself only 獨立處理家庭工作 |
7. |
Cook a dinner for a family by yourself 獨立煮一個家庭的晚餐 |
8. |
Use an Electrical Equipment 運用家庭電器操作 |
9. |
Wash the clothes by hand / Have Iron clothes 用手洗衣服 / 熨衣服 |
10. |
Go to market buy some food by yourself 獨立去街市買餸 |
11. |
Cook Chinese food: CAP CAY 煮中國菜: CAP CAY |
12. |
Can you care of pets (e.g. dog): KUCING 你能否照顧寵物 (例如 : 狗): KUCING |
13. |
Can you eat pork? 你是否吃豬肉? |
14. |
Are you willing to handle pork? 你能否處理豬肉? |
15. |
Will you use the telephone only with employer’s permission? 你是否只在僱主同意下才使用電話? |
16. |
Are you willing if your day off set by your employer? 你是否願意接受僱主所安排的休息日? |
17. |
Do you drink alcohol or smoke regularly? 是否有吸煙或飲酒的習慣? |
18. |
Do you have Tattoos? 你身上是否有紋身? |